Wolves Visit Interfaith Food Pantry - Donate Food and Time

January 5, 2015 As part of an ongoing service project, the Wolves visited the Interfaith Food Pantry in Morris Plains and as a den generously donated 145 lbs of food!

Mrs. Miller, our tour guide, showed us the entire facility, including the panty where clients shop for food and the warehouse where the food is received, sorted and stored. 

The Wolves were put to work too!  Each wolf was given a large box of tea or sugar bags, which they re-packaged into many smaller portions of 10 bags each.  They filled about 6 large boxes at the end - Great Job!! 

Mrs. Miller explained that by taking larger boxes of food and splitting them into smaller portions the food could be shared with more people - which was a valuable lesson.  Overall, the boys had a lot of fun and learned how important giving and being of service is, especially for Scouts!

Adopt A Family Information

Adopt A Family Information:

Gifts Due: Wednesday, December 10th.
Gift Drop Off: 8 Old Chimney Road (Curley House) 15 Willow Drive (Krog House)

Important Information:

The numbers that appear on the top of the stars (that you selected) are the case numbers associated with the 4 families that we are adopting this holiday season. We have Case T-51: a 32 year old mother & her 3 year old daughter & 8 year old son, Case V-19: a 21 year old mother & her 2 year old son, Case V-40: a 23 year old mother & her 5 year old son, and Case T-27: an 8 year old boy.

Please wrap the presents and tape the star to the top of the gift. I will then sort the gifts by case number before delivering them to the social worker in charge of distribution.

Thank you for selecting all the stars! We will be granting many wishes this holiday season.

Please email me curleycrew@verizon.net or call me 973-607-1403 if you have any specific questions about the gift you selected to purchase, or about the recipient.