Two upcoming events

We have two upcoming outings to share with you -- one is SNOW TUBING and the other is the BOWL-A-THON.

SNOW TUBING  Pack 53 is going snow tubing at Shawnee Mountain! The date is Saturday, February 27th from 11am-1pm. The cost is $25 per person and it's open to the entire family! We will have a sign-up sheet at the next Pack Meeting on January 25th to see how many people are interested in going. We will look to get final counts and checks by February 19th. Check out the Shawnee website for more information. 



BOWL-A-THONBowl-A-Thon - Sunday, February 7th.  Start times are:  9:15, 11:30 and 1:45.  We are going to try to get the 11:30 time slot, but it is most popular and goes quickly!!!   The cost is $13 per person and siblings and parents are welcome to participate as well.  Bowl-A-Thon Flyer  Click on the flyer for more information. 


For the Bowl-A-Thon, please email Lee Emdur  by Tuesday, January 19th to sign up! And please bring your checks to the Pack Meeting on January 25th.