What we do

Our Cub Pack currently consists of 42 scouts grades 1st through 4th.  Six of our 5th grade scouts moved up to Boy Scouts this past April. The boys are divided by grades into dens.  Starting in first grade and moving up are Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts.  Depending on the number of boys in each grade, it is possible to have more than one den.  Dens meet approximately one time per month for a meeting and occasionally for a “go see it” which is like a field trip. We also have one pack meeting per month.  The pack meetings are generally the 3rd Monday depending on the school calendar.


What do we do at meetings?  

We do a lot of things!!!  At den meetings, scouts do a variety of things: learn about citizenship, flag skills, build models, recognize plants and trees, take care of the environment, and so much more! At pack meetings, we do monthly recognition for the scouts who have achieved new ranks and earned belt loops, perform skits and chants, play games, do crafts for veterans or seniors, run food drives and collect items for our soldiers overseas! 


What other type of activities are there?

There are community clean-up days and other service projects, hiking, knot tying, nature days, singing for the seniors,  skits and songs, fly fishing demonstrations, The Pinewood Derby, Raingutter Regatta, go to museums and sporting events, overnight campouts or campins and more! 


What is your role as a parent? 

Your primary role is to support your son by attending  meetings, work with him at home, reinforce the messages and principles of scouting. Scouting is a volunteer led organization. Parents run pack & den meetings, popcorn sales, coordinate outings, help out with activities and administration (membership, treasurer, website, public relations, popcorn sales). Each den is led by a parent or parents. Volunteering  is a great way to ensure your son and other boys have a great scouting experience!  


What is the cost? 

Last year’s dues were $80.  That includes national registration, insurance coverage, a t-shirt for first year scouts, a pinewood derby car, a regatta boat, advancement badges and pins and miscellaneous items throughout the year.  Selling popcorn is our main fundraiser and any money we receive from popcorn sales offsets some pack costs. We will try to keep the fees close to last year.  Selling popcorn helps offset your dues!


When do I sign up?

You can sign up today!  Just fill out the scouting application for your son, pay your fees.  Your son will be able to participate in our summer activites: hike in July and minor league baseball game on August 20 – Scouts in uniform will be able to go on the field for the opening ceremony. You are welcome to come even if you do not sign up, but only scouts in Class A uniforms are allowed on the field.  If you are uncertain about joining, our first pack meeting of the year will be announced in the fall. It usually takes place the end of September. A flyer will come home via school handouts.  Also, be sure we have your contact information, and we will include you on the email list.  



Contact one of the Cubmaster:  Deborah Krog at debkrog@gmail.com (973)895-2855 or Membership Chairs Meredith Curley at curleycrew@verizon.net  973-607-1403 or Crystal Gumann at cgsurface@optonline.net  for more information.