Pack Meeting and Pinewood Derby Update

It has been decided that we will have the next pack meeting at the Pinewood Derby on Saturday, February 21.  The meeting will be about 11:00. We will also be having a representative from the council there to talk about Friends of Scouting.  

If your son will not be participating in the Pinewood Derby, please email Ed Walters!   We don't want to assign a racing number to scouts who will not be racing.  

Doors will be open at 9:00 if you would like to come and help setting up the track, helping your son work on his car, have a bagel, etc. If you need to drop off your car before sports, etc that day, the cafeteria will be open at 9:00.  Racing begins about noon and you don't have to be present but it sure is fun!!  All cars need to be there by 11:00 in order to be weighed and if you need to make any adjustments - you don't want to wait till the last minute.

There have also been requests for a  Family and Friends race.  If you, or another child, would like to build their own derby car to race against other families, please feel free to do so.  They are available at the council or at Ramsey or even Michael's.  This race will take place after the scouting races.  

We will once again have the Boy Scouts judging the cars on creativity/originality as well as best car (neatness, etc).  It would be great if there are a couple of grandparents who might be at the derby who could be judges as well.  They find it fun too and gives them something to do!!!  Please let Ed know if you have someone in mind.  We only need a couple, so first come first served.  

Also, there will be bagels and coffee, etc in the morning and then pizza, snacks and drinks about noon.  This is one way we recoup some of the money spent on trophies, venue, etc.  Bring an appetite!  If you need Pinewood Derby guidelines, just click here .

If you have any other questions, just ask!  Hope you can all make it!!!  Don't forget to let Ed know if your son will not be participating in the derby!!!   No code word this month - too crazy at the derby!!!