Congratulations to Tiger Cub Scout Arnan Hallajian for being the first to complete his Citizenship Belt Loop!! Remember, if you attended the last pack meeting, all you have to do is develop a list of jobs you can do around the home. Chart your progress for one week.
If you missed the last pack meeting, here is the list of items you to do to earn the Citizenship Belt Loop.
Complete these three requirements:
Develop a list of jobs you can do around the home. Chart your progress for one week. Make a poster showing things that you can do to be a good citizen. Participate in a family, den, or school service project.
Once again, congratulations to Arnan!!! Please remember to let me know if your scout completes the Citizenship Belt Loop (or any others they may complete as well).
Not sure where to find the requirements for Belt Loops? Just Google Belt Loop ______. and are great sites to get great scouting information!!!
Want to earn a bunch of Belt Loops in one day? Attend the Belt Loop Midway on Saturday, Jan. 3. Registration will be open soon so be sure to check the link often: