Citizenship Belt Loop almost done

If your son attended last night's meeting - he is one step away from earning his belt loop for Citizenship.  We completed items 2 & 3 last night by working on the poster showing how to be a good citizen and participating in a service project.  If your child did not bring an item for a soldier (bears-Webelos II) or earn canned goods by doing a chore or a good deed (tigers & wolves), then they will still need to work on a service project. If they have done something for church recently or if you chose a star for our adapt-a-families project - that would count as well, but be sure your child helps in that process. So while last night's meeting may have been a little hectic, there was a purpose to it.

The only thing the boys have to do to earn their Citizenship belt loop would be #1 below: Develop a list of jobs you can do around the home. Chart your progress for one week.  Please work with you scout  and encourage them to complete this at home.  Also, if you would like to encourage your scout to earn the Citizenship Pin, the requirements are below as well.

Once you are finished with it, email me to let me know and I will write down that your son has earned this belt loop!!  I hope I am giving a belt loop to every scout at the next pack meeting!!!!  

Don't forget - new scouts - practice your bobcat badge requirements! I want to award those as well!!!!  

Our next pack meeting is Monday, December 15 at 7:00.  We usually have a fun holiday party! Hope to see you there!!!