Pack Meeting Agenda 11/19/2014

We will see you tomorrow night for a 7:00 sharp to start to our meeting.  We really do try to start and finish on time. During the meeting, we are asking parents to sit with the parents from their den. Obviously if you have more than one child in scouts, choose your favorite! :)  There will not be snacks at this meeting, so please plan accordingly.

Don't forget my original message which is below (hint, hint). 

Here is the agenda:

As you enter, please drop items of food or Items for soldiers in their respective spots!! We do want to keep track of the food being brought in by each child for wolves and tigers.

  • Opening Flag Ceremony - Wolves
  • Skit - Bears
  • Announcements
  • Recognition and Advancements
  • Citizenship activity
  • game/complete note cards for soldiers
  • Clean up
  • Retiring of Colors

Also, we have checks for scout families that sold more than $100 worth of popcorn!!!  Woohoo!!!!  Thank you to all who did such a great job.  Every little bit helps - so if you sold!  Thanks!! 

Also, new to our pack scouts....if you still have not received your first t-shirt, please contact Erika Barninger